Production Project session 5 (SOLO)


By May 10, as Game Developer, I will have evidence of Making a Game by following This Tutorial for Session 5.

Lego Bricktober Theater 40180” by is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.



Game Developer: I will be making the entire game by myself, so I am the producer, artist, level designer, and music maker combined

Leader(s) In Field/Exemplary Works

Leader: Gavin Eisenbeisz

Exemplary Works: Made a very popular indie game in one year. (choo-choo-Charles)


Training Sources Flappy Bird Tutorial


Project Timeline

  • Learn how unity works
  • learn a bit of C#
  • take the sprites of flappy bird and make them yourself with your style
  • make the calculations of your image and its width/height so I can make the ratios of the images the same as the sprites
  • make the images
  • put them into your game



Was/Am unable to make the game completely functional, I am still going to finish it but probably not until after school ends.


21 Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creating, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving)

I had problems with the collaboration feature in Unity and also had and still have various problems with the C# script, and since I am completely new to Unity it makes it take way longer and harder.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Since I am working on a SOLO project, I don’t need to communicate with my teammates but if I do have a problem with Unity I will tell someone who knows more than I do and can get it fixed fairly quickly.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Google, youtube, and especially Discord have helped a lot with communicating with the creator of the video directly.

Ways of Living in the World

Whether I enter the game design industry or not things like Scrum, Edublog’s, and burn-down charts are going to be useful in whatever job I get

Grammar & Spelling



Sergio Armenta

Production Project session 4

openverse is down right now so I am unable to get source. The second openverse works again I am going to link the source here.



Intention/Smart Goal:

By March 1, as Me nu/Writer/Producer, I will have evidence of Writing and coding the menu and coding some of the game myself. by following the Top-down tutorial for Session 4.


Leader(S) In Field/Exemplary Works

Leader: Takashi Tezuka

Exemplary Works: one of the programmers of the original Legend of Zelda and also a programmer of the original super Mario bros. Video about him

Training source(s)Top Down Tutorial

Notes on video for leader-

  • 1:10 Explains how Takashi Tezuka managed to work on Nintendo games
  • 3:49 How Takashi Tezuka got into working on Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros.
  • 4:38 how Takashi helped make bowsers iconic sprite.
  • 5:51 Takashi was either the only writer or main writer for the legend of Zelda
  • 7:32 Takashi making super Mario 2 (Japanese exclusive version)
  • 11:11 Takashi’s thought’s on making super Mario 3

Notes on Tutorial

  • Projectile 1:10
  • Enemy collision 4:15
  • Enemy health 5:26
  • Subtract Variable 6:11
  • Destroy sprite 6:44
  • Comparing variables 7:07

Project Timeline

  • Will make the art for the menu screen
  • Will code the start button so the menu works
  • Code the walking mechanics for a top-down game
  • make the wall and floor texture
  • code the basic mechanics of the game
  • code the enemies

Evidence of Team Planning and Decisions


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving)

there was a problem with the player moving incorrectly and I managed to figure out the solution and remake the player’s movement from the ground up.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Construct 3. pixel art websites, Trello, Dundoc, and google spreadsheets.

Reactions to the Final Version

Professional Review: concerns about the game being in the state that it is despite spending a month on the game.

Peer Review: I don’t know

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Grammar and Spelling

The tool used was Grammarly.


Editor: Scott Leduc.

Session 3 Pre-Production Project Template




Smart Goal:

By January 13th, as part of team and as UI/HUD, I will have evidence of making the Menu/UI of the game.

Pre-Production INQUIRY

leader(s) in the field/Exemplary Work(s)

Leader: Gray Simon

Exemplary Works: very Successful tutorial channel 

Training Source(s): Menu tutorial for Construct 3

Notes For Leader: 

(I am only going to add notes for one of his videos)

  • how to get angular 8 working 3:43
dark candle” by Wim Vandenbussche is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Smart Goal:

By Jan. 13, as UI/UX Designer, I will have evidence of making the menu and UI by following Menu tutorial for Construct 3 for session 3.

Production – Action

Evidence of what I did

Post-Production – Reflection

21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking

I don’t know

Ways of Working

I communicated properly with my team and my teacher when I was missing and how far along I was on my work.

Tools for Working

I used media to get inspiration for making the menu screen.

Ways of Living in the World

over a long time, I built up career skills, even from classes I thought were not going to be useful in the future before I knew what I wanted to do. (example: computer programming in middle school)

Reactions to the Final Version

Evaluation of final Version

Grammer and Spelling

Grammarly was used to spell check this


teacher Leduc.

Production Project for Session 1 and 2

sleeping beauty…” by Nisha A is licensed under CC BY 2.0.




Intention (SMART GOAL)

By October 14th, as part of team 4 as Writer / Menus / Producer, I will have evidence of adding to and editing the GDD MOCK-UPS of the MENU STRUCTURE by following Scot Leduc’s tutorial for session 1.



Masashiro Sakurai


Notes go here…

Training Sources


Notes go here…

Project Timeline

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Grammar and Spelling
