3/13 – 5/10 Weekly Work Log (SOLO) TEAM 4

WEEK 1 3/13 – 3/17 Session 5

I made the graphics for the game. 7 images in total

  • The Player
  • The background
  • Obstacles
  • Foreground
  • Game Over screen
  • Start screen
  • Play button

Estimated Hours: 10 hours. (2 for nondescript math, 6 for drawing, redrawing, figuring out how to use the application, 2 hours implementing images to unity project.)

Goal this week: My goal was to finish the drawings, and I ended up doing a bit more than expected

WEEK 2 3/20 – 3/27 session 5

I am planning to somewhat complete the mechanics of the game

DateTask DescriptionTime SpentWas This A Best Practice?
3/20Watched the tutorial video to see what I was going to do1 hourI believe so
3/21I spent today working on the project trello, dundoc, edublogs, and spreadsheet1 hoursunsure
3/22worked on the trello30 minutesyes
3/23I worked on the code for the game1 hourYES!!
3/24worked on dun doc, edublog and asked questions1 hourconfident

Production Project session 5 (SOLO)


By May 10, as Game Developer, I will have evidence of Making a Game by following This Tutorial for Session 5.

Lego Bricktober Theater 40180” by mureut.kr is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.



Game Developer: I will be making the entire game by myself, so I am the producer, artist, level designer, and music maker combined

Leader(s) In Field/Exemplary Works

Leader: Gavin Eisenbeisz

Exemplary Works: Made a very popular indie game in one year. (choo-choo-Charles)


Training Sources Flappy Bird Tutorial


Project Timeline

  • Learn how unity works
  • learn a bit of C#
  • take the sprites of flappy bird and make them yourself with your style
  • make the calculations of your image and its width/height so I can make the ratios of the images the same as the sprites
  • make the images
  • put them into your game



Was/Am unable to make the game completely functional, I am still going to finish it but probably not until after school ends.


21 Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creating, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving)

I had problems with the collaboration feature in Unity and also had and still have various problems with the C# script, and since I am completely new to Unity it makes it take way longer and harder.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Since I am working on a SOLO project, I don’t need to communicate with my teammates but if I do have a problem with Unity I will tell someone who knows more than I do and can get it fixed fairly quickly.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Google, youtube, and especially Discord have helped a lot with communicating with the creator of the video directly.

Ways of Living in the World

Whether I enter the game design industry or not things like Scrum, Edublog’s, and burn-down charts are going to be useful in whatever job I get

Grammar & Spelling



Sergio Armenta